
This project is a simple implementation of MIPS assembler and disassembler. The master branch is based on Qt, which is recommended to use. The command branch is a command line version, which just supports assembler.

The main functions are as follows:

  • Assembler (support .s file as input and .coe and .bin as output file format)
  • Disassembler (by now only supports .bin file as input file and .s as output file)

See Github:




How to Use

The assembler now supports 55 instructions and 5 data types(.asciiz, .byte, .half, .word) which can be found in assembler.cpp.

The instructions supported are as follows:

  • lw
  • lb
  • lbu
  • lh
  • lhu
  • sw
  • sb
  • sh
  • addi
  • addiu
  • andi
  • ori
  • xori
  • lui
  • slti
  • sltiu
  • beq
  • bne
  • blez
  • bltz
  • bgez
  • j
  • jal
  • jalr
  • jr
  • mfhi
  • mflo
  • mthi
  • mtlo
  • eret
  • mfc0
  • mtc0
  • break
  • syscall
  • la
  • move
  • li
  • .asciiz
  • .byte
  • .half
  • .word
  • add
  • addu
  • sub
  • subu
  • slt
  • sltu
  • and
  • or
  • xor
  • nor
  • sll
  • srl
  • sra
  • mult
  • multu
  • div
  • divu

You’d better use lowercase keywords because it’s expected to do so.


  • lw $rt, imm($rs)
  • addi $rt, $rs, imm
  • srl $rd, $rt, shamt

Here imm and shamt shoule be a DECIMAL integer rather than hexadecimal number.

The .byte, .half, .word values should be HEXADECIMAL integerr, i.e. 0x12345678.

The data is 4-alignment, which means it will waste some space for .asciiz, .byte and .half types.

The status line shows some information of current status.

If the program suddenly crashes while working, you might have to correct syntax errors in your code to make the program happy.